Step 1: Get a free 000webhost account
One with your login details to access cPanel, and one with your FTP details to upload files.
Step 2: Create a MySQL database
We need this in order for WordPress to work.
This will bring you inside the members area.
On the next screen, click on cPanel because that's where the good stuff is at ...
Now scroll down to "Software / Services" and choose "MySQL"
Time to create our database.
It doesn't really matter what you enter in the fields.
The password can be your 000webhost one or another one of your choice.
Click "Create Database"
The next screen is very important ... make sure you copy the info to notepad so you don't lose it.
We are done here.
Click on "Back To Control Panel"
Step 3: Download WordPress
Unzip it to your desktop or any other place you can easily access later on.
Step 4: Download FileZilla
It's an FTP client to upload multiple files at once.
Step 5: Upload all the WordPress files
Get that second email ready, the one with the FTP details you got in step 1
My FTP details are as follows ...
Next, fire up FileZilla.
Just copy your FTP details in the boxes at the top screen like this ...
The password is the same as your 000webhost account one.
You can leave the "Port" field empty - in case you get an error you can put "21" in there.
Now click on the "Connect" button next to the "Port" field and wait for FileZilla to connect to your host.
After a few seconds the connection should be established.
Now do as the pictures and numbers tell you to do ...
1. Navigate to where your WordPress installation folder is on your computer and click it 1 time only
2. Double click on "public_html"
3. Select all the folders (but not the ".." one) and files.
To do this, click on the first folder, then scroll down using the bar, hold down left Shift key and click the last file.
All the folders and files should now be highlighted in blue.
4. Right click anywhere in the selected files area and choose "Upload"
This will take a few minutes to finish.
If everything went well, both the left and the right box should contain the same files.
The only extra file in the right box is the .htaccess file which was already there and should not be touched.
Now we have the WordPress files in place but still no working WP site.
Let's do that next ...
Step 6: Install WordPress
Open your website in your favourite brower.
You will now get the following message from WordPress ...
Go ahead.
Click on the "Create a Configuration File" button.
And here's WordPress again with yet another message.
Remember that last picture from step 2 with the database info?
Now is the perfect time to open that text file which you hopefully created when I told you so.
Click on "Let's go!"
Which leads us here ...
Simply copy and paste the info from your text file into the proper fields.
Leave the field "Table Prefix" the way it is and hit the "Submit" button.
WordPress surely likes to talk a lot.
Sparky ... are you kidding me?
Anyways, do as it says and hit "Run the install"
We're almost done now, hang in there.
Another screen, yay ...
Site Title --> doesn't matter much, you can change it later as often as you like.
Username + password --> you need these to log in to your WordPress dashboard.
Email --> notifications like blog comments, updates and stuff will be sent here.
Privacy --> for SEO reasons you should obviously tick this box - for blackhat or demo I prefer to leave it blank.
Now hit "Install WordPress" ...
And ... SUCCESS !!!
Simply click "Log in" which takes you to the default WP login screen.
In my case it's this URL ...
<!-- THE END -->
Pfew, it's a lot faster to just do it instead of writing about it, believe me.
Even the rookiest of n00bs should be able to set up his / her own WordPress site from scratch in under 20 minutes.
Quick summary ...
1. Get your 000webhost account here --> Click me2. Create a MySQL database via your cPanel
3. Download WP from here --> Click me4. Download FileZilla from here --> Click me5. Upload all the WP files to your host
6. Install WP
If you need help with any (or all) of the steps in this tutorial, just mention my name and I'll be there.
I will write some sort of a sequel tutorial to this one soon enough, showing you one cool trick you can only do in WP. Hence the reason why I felt the urge to teach you how to set up your own free WP site first.
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