
Yes: Create smaller states with common interests
It’s an excellent idea to split California, as the inmates are running the asylum here. Leftists/liberals have political power within the current state borders and most conservatives are disenfranchised. Diversity seems to divide people, not unite them, and I would much rather live around like-minded people. Strong communities are built when people have the same values and traditions. When did that become a bad thing?
Being a smaller entity also means we will have more influence over officeholders — not less.
I have a couple of suggestions for the ballot measure: Please include Castaic in the Central Valley so we’re not included with liberal Los Angeles, and then rename Central California as Madison after the Founding Father of the U.S. Constitution. It will give us the much-needed separate identity as a “free” state.
— Nancy Tujetsch, Castaic
No: Areas need each other
What a dumb question! Northern California needs the tax money from the many millions of people in Southern California; Southern California needs the water from the many rivers in Northern California; and both North and South need the food grown in Central California.
We have a great opportunity to show the world how to live in harmony. All we need are leaders of integrity to accomplish this.
— Geri Brehm, Whittier
Here, bigger is not better
Splitting California into two states makes sense for may reasons. The state is too large and diverse to be effectively managed by one CEO.
There would be economic impact, and a star would have to be added to the U.S. flag. To solve this problem, ask the Dakotas to merge into one state. There is a solution for everything.
— Mark Hawkins, Long Beach
Don’t split the finest state
Absurd on its face. My dad was born in San Francisco and my mom in Los Angeles. California is the finest state in the union. We have a beautiful coastline, Yosemite and wonderful cities; a rich and diverse history, including the railroads and the movie industry, agriculture and aircraft.
Yes, we have serious issues, including unemployment, immigration, debt, education, the poor and homeless. But to break apart our wonderful state would serve only to add more elected windbags and do nothing to address the issues. We must stand united to make our state as good as we know it can be.



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